1. I used the Donau Radweg (cycle touring) maps for the river up until the border of Austria and Slovakia. I used the TID maps for the rest and these are awesome, THE BEST, don't leave Austria without them.
3. I used the German guide book for the Danube (Kanu - Die Donau und Nebenflusse by Otto Kaufhold)...this is great for knowing which side to paddle to for the locks and where you can portage the locks. The river numbers (its labeled on the side how far to the black sea) are also great (even though some are missing). The book is in German, but still get it even if you do not speak German. Note: This book is not informative for Serbia, the information in it is incorrect about Serbia.
4. I used the TID schedule for finding campsites. TID organisers gave me contact sheets for clubs and loads of additional useful resources.
5. I used resources from Serbian Veslaci when paddling there. These were custom made for me by kayak club president Dejan Jovanović.
6. Map: Deutschland - Sudwest 1:45000 fur Kanu-und Ruder Sport - this looked awesome with great additional information included. I would source this if doing the trip again.
You paddle the set route of 30-60km per day, arriving to designated campsites by 6pm each day. Events are organised by country representatives.